Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tripel the fun.

Warning: This post will be boring, in the sense that there aren't any pictures or fancy graphics. 

Only beer talk :) 

Gabe, head beerslinger, split a 6 gallon batch of his Belgian Tripel into three two gallon batches, one aged on oak, one with Port, one with Gargiulo, a wine from California.

I got a chance recently to try two styles of Grasslands Brewing Company's tripel.

Well here goes!

Port infused Belgian Tripel!

Aroma - Almost like a sour, some good funk, and floral at first, as it warmed, the classic Belgian malts and sugar backbone became more prevalant.

Appearance - Dark caramel, no lacing, minimal head.

Mouthfeel - good carbonation, but thin. Could use more body.

Taste - the wine was a bit overpowering at first, keeping the sugar down, as it reached closer to room temperature, it became sweeter, and overall very good. Just let it warm up some :) Also, not overly boozy for ~10% abv. The alcohol provided a nice warming though, would be a great winter beer!

Overall - 7.5/10

The thin body is honestly the only thing I didn't like about it. If it had a fuller body, I'd be buying this every week. 

That being said, it was very enjoyable, and could easily see myself paying $5/6 for a snifter of this at a bar or restaurant. 

I'll be drinking the Gargiulo version tonite with another review coming tomorrow!

Drink local & cheers!


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